Ryan Smurthwaite

Ryan Smurthwaite

Guitar and Ukulele

Originally hailing from West Virginia, Ryan Smurthwaite graduated from West Liberty University in West Liberty, West Virginia in 2019 with a Bachelor’s degree in music technology and music performance. He studied under Pittsburgh-based guitarist Scott Elliott and Wheeling-based, Emmy award winning composer/producer/studio engineer Jamie Peck.

Studying guitar for well over a decade, Ryan has taught guitar on and off professionally for two years. Besides teaching, he works as a freelance producer and recording engineer, where he has written and recorded several releases under his name, as well as a co-writer with up and coming Ohio Valley country musician Joey Adams and multiple clients spanning across all genres of music. Ryan lives in Cuyahoga Falls with his wife and dog, and apart from music, he spends his free time cooking, playing retro video games and sneaker shopping.